Dr. Sujata Karve
An Architect- planner with over 20 years of experience in academics and 10 years in sustainable planning and environmental design consultancy. Currently the Head of Department of M. Arch (Environmental Architecture) at BNCA, Pune, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from MMCA, Pune, Master’s degree in Planning from School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi and was awarded Ph. D in 2018 from the SPPU. With a focus on environment and environmental behaviour, she is actively involved in various research-oriented activities and academics. With a keen interest in resilience planning, she has researched, taught and written on environmental behaviour, climate resilience and planning and energy efficiency. She has collaborated on various studio-based projects focused on environmental planning and design. Her doctoral research straddles the field of environmental psychology, spatial behaviour, space syntax and comfort studies. Sujata is a LEED GA and IGBC AP and is actively involved in projects aiming to achieve green certification. She is also understanding behaviour at urban level and its applicability in planning for resilience. She is a Member of BOS (Architecture) at SPPU. She is also on the Doctoral Research committees at various institutes.